
Convenient and Practical Cowl

   Cowl is, by the definition of Oxford Dictionary, 'a large loose hood, especially one forming part of a monk's habit.'  Cowl -this recent creation - ring-shape scarf -has became popular since last 10 years or so with the growth of young knitters' population.   I love cowls.  It wraps around my neck cozily, and stays there no matter how hard I move.  I don't have to worry about fixing when it become out of shape like when we wear a I-shape (or straight shape) scarf -- it often become loose little by little.  There is another good thing that I like about a cowl.  I can choose styles --- wear it loosely or wear it double by folding it.
   I like making cowls.  Its shape is simple and easy to work ---not like making a sweater!   I have seen a lady was wearing very bright color of cowl the other day and I thought it was a cute accent of wardrobe like a brooch and a bracelet.  I usually don't try a bright color on me, but I already started thinking of trying a new color for this winter!  Hmm..what color is good for me?  

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